Monday, December 23, 2019
Domestic Violence A Serious And Grave Social Concern
Domestic violence is a serious and grave social concern. Domestic violence essentially affects everyone. It is not merely a personal or private problem in families. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a woman is beaten every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States. ( According to the AARDVARC 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners each year. ( The National Domestic Violence Hotline has received more than 700,000 calls for assistance since 1996. (National Domestic Violence Hotline.) There are many different forms of domestic violence from mild to severe forms of abuse with mild forms occurring more often than severe abuse. Mild abuse includes pushing, grabbing shoving, or slapping a woman. More severe abuse includes kicking, choking, beating or using a weapon on them although physical abuse may be the most visible sign of violence, the emotional state of the victim often is much more complex. Abuse is the establishment of control and fear n a relationship thorough violent acts. The abuser uses acts of violence and series of behaviors, including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse and isolation to control women. Domestic violence has many effects on society and families. Each year, medical expenses form domestic violence total at least $3 to $5 billion. Businesses forfeit another $100Show MoreRelatedDomestic Violence(Dv) Is A Serious And Grave Concern, Not1617 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence(DV) is a serious and grave concern, not only in the Unit ed States but also around the world. 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