Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Oxford Dictionary Defines Racism As “Prejudice,...
The Oxford Dictionary defines racism as â€Å"Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one s own race is superior.†If further defines the same as â€Å"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.†(Oxford Dictionaries | English, 2017).There are different types of racism based on religion, nationality, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation etc.Racism expressed individually, through explicit and implicit thoughts, feelings, or acts is Individual Racism. Racism expressed socially, through institutions that promote†¦show more content†¦When people and specifically youngsters are exposed to stereotypes of a specific group for the first time, then they are bound to assume that all people belonging to that group are that way. Similarly wh en a source constantly displays negative things about a particular race, then it affects the overall opinions too. (Media Racism, 2012) An example of typical stereotypes in America is the Asian Americans Stereotypes. The media frequently depicts Asians American college students as academic overachievers or nerdy persons with poor social and communication skills. It is suggested by various studies that this opinion affect their interactions with peers as non-Asian college students don’t initiate friendship with Asian students (Zhang, Q., 2010) and hence they are more likely to be neglected by the majority. Asian Americans are also usually portrayed as hardworking, technologically savvy, industrious and law-abiding. A few examples of this stereotype are portrayed in the characters played by George Huang in Law Order: SVU, Cristina Yang in Grey’s Anatomy, and Archie Kao on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.(Media Racism, 2012) Meaning about race and ethnicity is built by the media and hence plays a significant role in moulding the way we understand race and ethnicity as part of our identity and our everyday lives. Frequently, ignorance and a lack of approval of different cultures, traditions and beliefs lead toShow MoreRelatedRacism : Racism And Racial Discrimination1425 Words  | 6 PagesRacism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Domestic Violence A Serious And Grave Social Concern
Domestic violence is a serious and grave social concern. Domestic violence essentially affects everyone. It is not merely a personal or private problem in families. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a woman is beaten every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States. (www.bjs.gov). According to the AARDVARC 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners each year. (AARDVARC.org) The National Domestic Violence Hotline has received more than 700,000 calls for assistance since 1996. (National Domestic Violence Hotline.) There are many different forms of domestic violence from mild to severe forms of abuse with mild forms occurring more often than severe abuse. Mild abuse includes pushing, grabbing shoving, or slapping a woman. More severe abuse includes kicking, choking, beating or using a weapon on them although physical abuse may be the most visible sign of violence, the emotional state of the victim often is much more complex. Abuse is the establishment of control and fear n a relationship thorough violent acts. The abuser uses acts of violence and series of behaviors, including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse and isolation to control women. Domestic violence has many effects on society and families. Each year, medical expenses form domestic violence total at least $3 to $5 billion. Businesses forfeit another $100Show MoreRelatedDomestic Violence(Dv) Is A Serious And Grave Concern, Not1617 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence(DV) is a serious and grave concern, not only in the Unit ed States but also around the world. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Public Administration Dichotomy Free Essays
string(182) " the Japanese experience and to emulate the success of the Koben system led to the institutionalisation of community policing as the new policing strategy and philosophy of the SPF\." RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES No. 56 COMMUNITY POLICING IN THE CONTEXT OF SINGAPORE Jarmal Singh* I. INTRODUCTION Singapore has grown in many ways over the last 40 years to become a city-state that enjoys a high level of economic growth, political stability and most importantly, a sense of safety and security. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Administration Dichotomy or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was not a smooth journey, as the country experienced its turbulent periods in the 1950s and the 1960s, characterised by problems of political instability, communist insurgency, secret societies, unemployment and communal riots. Today, Singapore’s crime rate is low by international standards and has declined successively for 9 years from 1989 till 1997. Crime rate has only edged up slightly by 5. 2% in 1998 when the entire South East Asia region plunged into financial and economic crisis. The rise was mostly attributed to theft of handphones and cash cards, and immigration offences. Amidst the rapid modernisation of society, much of the transformation from the old crime-ridden town to a safe city today can be attributed to the Singaporean government’s tough stance towards criminals and criminality in the form of strict laws and heavy penalties. Apart from the strict laws and rigorous enforcement, the improvement of the social and economic situation helped to control crime. Over the past 15 years, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) has made two significant innovations in the area of policing in light of social and economic changes. The first being the introduction * Deputy Director Operations, Police Headquarters, Singapore Police Force, Republic of Singapore. of a community-based policing strategy through the Neighbourhood Police Post (NPP) system in 1983 and the shift towards community-focused policing through the creation of Neighbourhood Police Centres (NPCs) in 1997. Prior to 1983, policing strategies were reactive in nature. Police services were dispensed centrally, mainly through the 8 police stations existing at the time. Each police station served a very large area and these areas were patrolled by cars. Impacted by urbanisation, social and economic transformations, the police were faced with rising crime and a loss of public contact and support. The SPF then realised the importance of fostering closer police-community relations in an effort to prevent crime. By re-orienting a patrol strategy that was skewed towards the motorised mode to one that was community oriented and emphasised foot patrol, it is felt that the police could create a heightened sense of presence and visibility to deter crimes. The Neighbouhood Police Post (NPP) system, adapted from the Japanese Koban System, was introduced in 1983. Eight NPPs were set up as a pilot in a constituency, with a view to assess the impact and success of the system in Singapore’s environment. The trial was a success. By 1993, the entire set of 91 NPPs was set up throughout the island. This was accompanied by falling crime and increased sense of safety and security amongst the public. However, in view of rising expectations of both the public and police officers, and the need to address new challenges arising 126 RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES No. 56 IV. SPF’S ADOPTION OF THE COMMUNITY POLICING STRATEGY The key strategic driver for the SPF’s adoption of the community-oriented policing model was to establish and leverage community support for our own law enforcement policies and strategies in the face of a changing operating environment. The key changes in the operating environment were as follows. A. Increasing Crime Trend (1974 to 1983) Firstly, although the crime rate in Singapore was low by world standards, there was a disturbing trend of an overall increase in all types of crime (except violent property crimes) for the period 1974 to 1983. Analysis revealed that 70% of such crimes were house-breaking, theft of vehicles, and robbery which could have been prevented. The promotion of community-oriented policing would help the SPF to battle crime, as improved policepublic relationships should result in a higher level of crime prevention awareness and greater public co-operation with the police. B. Change in Population Distribution Secondly, the population distribution was changing. In the 1960s, before the creation of the Housing Development Board (HDB), the bulk of Singapore’s population was concentrated in the centre of the city. However, as a result of the HDB success in providing low cost public housing, about 84% of Singapore’s population shifted from the city area to new towns and estates all over the island. These new public housing estates comprised mainly of high rise buildings and these lessened the opportunities for the public to interact with the police. The SPF could no longer simply rely on the 8 divisional police stations for efficient and speedy service. There was a pressing need to develop a new, efficient response system that could cope with the changing operating environment and at the same time, offer opportunities for meaningful police-public interaction in a densely populated, urban environment. This spurred the SPF to develop the decentralised system of the NPP to serve the needs of the urban population better. C. Rising Public Expectations Thirdly, the general population was increasingly affluent and educated. This raised two challenges for the SPF. One was to meet rising public expectations of the police service. The other was stiff competition from the public and private sectors for quality recruits. The nature and prospects of police work was deemed by the younger generation as comparatively unappealing. Community-oriented policing addressed these two challenges by raising the quality of police services through attracting better quality officers seeking job challenge and satisfaction in the enhanced job scope. D. Learning From the Japanese Koban System At this stage, the SPF was in search of a successful community policing model. This was found in the form of the Japanese Koban (or police post) system. In Japan, the high crime clearance rate of 60% was due to the trust and co-operation that the public had with the police. Statistics also indicated that 80% of the Japanese public readily provided information to help the police arrest offenders. The desire to learn from the Japanese experience and to emulate the success of the Koben system led to the institutionalisation of community policing as the new policing strategy and philosophy of the SPF. You read "Public Administration Dichotomy" in category "Papers" 28 112TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS V. THE NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE POST (NPP) SYSTEM A. Study Team In November 1981, a team of Japanese experts was invited to help implement the Koban System in Singapore. The Koban system was to be adapted for use in the Singaporean environment, with varying social settings and attitudes of the populace. With the recommendation of the Study Te a m t o e s t a b l i s h o n e N P P p e r constituency, 8 NPPs were first established on 1 June 1983 in the 8 onstituencies in one police division. The second phase of implementation began with the setting up of several NPPs in two other police divisions. Positive public response to the NPP system lead to the acceleration of the final implementation phase ending in December 1994. There are now 91 NPPs throughout the island. One division was merged with neighbouring divisions so that manpower saved could be deployed to the frontline, to meet the needs of the new system. B. Purpose of the NPP system The NPP system was implemented in Singapore with the following objectives: †¢ To i m p r o v e p o l i c e – c o m m u n i t y relations in Singapore; †¢ To prevent and suppress crime through the co-operation of and support from the community; and †¢ To project a better police image and win the confidence of the public in the police with more community-oriented services. C. Infrastructure / Location NPPs are the most familiar police contacts of the community within their neighbourhood. They are kept small to be personal, but big enough to make an impact in the community. The area of coverage of each NPP is based largely on the political boundaries. The average population covered by each NPP is about 35,000. Being the most familiar police contacts, the NPPs have been located where their services will be demanded most. Factors such as the number of households and population are taken into consideration in setting up and locating NPPs, to reach out to the widest possible section of the population. D. Oganisational Structure A NPP is manned by a team of about 12 29 112TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS in crime prevention. Another effect of the NPP system is the decentralisation of police functions from the divisional level to neighbourhood level. The police at the frontline are more empowered with greater autonomy and discretion to discharge their duties. This has expedited police response to crime incidents and improved quality service. The decentralisation principle has also enabled the police to penetrate deeper into the society and thereby effectively pre-empt criminogenic conditions. It is possible for the police to tap valuable information about the people and the conditions that are causing criminality. Community policing has shifted its emphasis from car patrols to foot and bicycle patrolling. Together with house visits, this has brought the police very much closer to the community. The increased visibility of the police in the neighbourhoods has helped to deter crimes and eliminate the general fear of crime in society. This is also noted in the decreasing crime rates each year. With community policing, the public has also become more aware of its role and responsibility in crime prevention and detection. The number of public-assisted arrests had steadily increased from 33. 6% in 1992 to 34. 8% in 1993 and 36. 1% in 1994. That is about 1/3 of the total arrests made! The close co-operation is not only reflective of the high level of public spiritedness but also the evolving partnership between the public and the police in crime busting. The SPF has strengthened the trust of the public in the police. Two surveys conducted in 1987 and 1991 confirmed that: †¢ NPPs have created more and closer contact with the public; †¢ NPP system has increased the confidence of the general public in the police; †¢ NPP system has had a positive impact on the image of the police. Community policing and the NPP system has brought the police services to the community, helped Singapore achieve a low crime environment, and enabled SPF’s to reach out to the public. There is ample evidence that the community policing strategy and the NPP system in Singapore is a success. The 1996 Global Competitiveness Report ranks Singapore the safest city in the world in terms of its resident’s confidence that their person and property are protected. VII. BUILDING ON THE COMMUNITY POLICING STRATEGY The NPP based system of community policing has served the SPF well for 14 years from 1983 to 1997. In 1996, the SPF initiated a review of its operational strategy. The review was driven by the realisation that the future would not be built through perfecting the past, no matter how successful it had been. More importantly, the SPF must ensure that the success of the NPP system itself does not become a limiting force that stifles growth and innovation in meeting new policing challenges and public needs. As the SPF enters the new millennium, being the sole provider of policing services, the organisation owes its fellow citizens to further improve the already low-crime environment and strive to make Singapore even safer than it already is. Policing must be done smarter and more effectively than before. It is also clear in the SPF’s vision to become a strong service organisation by 31 RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES No. 56 making continuous improvement to work processes to meet rising public expectations. At the same time, the SPF wants to offer every officer within the organisation a more enriching job scope and experience that stretches the officer’s abilities and helps maximise their potential. Since the implementation of the NPP system, the SPF has retained its traditional, rea ctive policing capabilities (namely, fast response patrols and investigation teams) in its 7 land divisions. Only the 91 NPPs that report to these police divisions have evolved along the direction of developing community-based policing capabilities. Community-based policing has also been refined incrementally over the past 14 years. One recent innovation is the doctrine of ‘problem-solving’, under which NPPs initiate the resolution of certain community law and order problems that arise from simple systemic causes. The problem-solving approach makes community policing more effective because it is proactive and pools the whole community together in a concerted effort to ensure a safe, peaceful and cohesive society. An example of a good problem-solving case is that by Hong Kah South NPP. The NPP used to receive many complaints about coffee-shop patrons consuming beer, after midnight, even when the coffee-shops in question were closed. Residents complained about the incessant noise pullution, littering, vandalism (often vulgar words written on walls), urinating in public places, and fighting. The coffeeshop patrons’ unruly behaviour caused sleep deprivation to the residents, dirtied the neighbourhood and created a sense of public unease (especially to young ladies returning home late at night). Aware that repeated one-off responses to such incidents is not an operationally effective solution to the problem, Hong Kah South NPP adopted the following solution. A. Co-operation with Coffee-shop Owners Mindful of the need to maintain good rapport and act in partnership with community resources to resolve local community problems, Hong Kah South NPP officers sought the co-operation of the owners of the problematic coffee-shops in the following areas: (1) Stop the sale of beer and start preparations to close half-an-hour before the end of the stipulated licensing time, so that ample time is given to the patrons to finish their drinks. 2) Stack up the chairs and chain them up, before closing the coffee-shop. (3) Remove all empty bottles from the tables to prevent their use as weapons. B. Dialogue Sessions with Coffeeshop Owners Based on the recommendation of Hong Kah South NPP, regular dialogue sessions with the coffee-shop owners are conducted at the Division Headquarters. Besides crime prevention advice and police recommendations, there is also sharing of good practices between the coffee-shop owners. This is effective in exerting peer group pressure on the owners of problematic coffee-shops to follow the good example set by their counterparts. The above measures were successful in curbing the problem. Residents now enjoy restful nights, the neighbourhood is pristine in appearance, and a sense of peace and security prevails. 132 112TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS VIII. NEW OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The SPF is expected to work in an increasingly complex environment, with forces that affect community safety and security arising from a multiplicity of causes. These complex social ills are characterised by seemingly intractable problems such as juvenile delinquency, spousal violence, the link between substance abuse and property crime, or the law and order problems posed by foreigners working in Singapore. The SPF’s traditional tool of effective enforcement can no longer, by itself, adequately address these challenges. The doctrine of problem-solving, which is targeted at simple systemic causes, and analysed and solved at the level of the NPP, is also impotent in the face of higher-order social dysfunction. In addition, the SPF must continue to meet the rising public expectations of its service standards, as well as its ability to enhance safety and security. A recent survey, commissioned by the Service Improvement Unit (SIU), revealed that one area where the SPF failed to provide high levels of satisfaction, but which was highly important to the public, was the ability of the police to help solve the problems that have been brought to the attention of the NPPs. In October 1997, the SPF made another significant and bold move to re-design the NPP system in a bid to strengthen its community policing approach, in light of the changing environment and factors. A system that can carry the strengths of the previous NPP system, like tapping on local knowledge to solve crimes, and at the same time can enable the SPF to grow and address key policing needs, ensures its continued relevance. The Neighbourhood Policing Centres (NPCs) system has been created to enhance the community policing approach by: †¢ Strengthening the SPF’s front-line operating system; †¢ Building a strong service organisation; †¢ Increasing community involvement and responsibility for its own safety and security; and †¢ Optimising the value contributed by each police officer to the policing process. IX. NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE CENTRES A. Changes to NPP System In order to deliver decentralised, flexible, integrated and community-focused capabilities, the existing structure of land divisions and NPPs will be modified. At the centre of the new operating system is the Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC). The existing seven police land division will be reconfigured into six policing regions. Reporting to each of these regional commands will be the NPCs. NPCs will be the sole vehicle for front line policing to ensure the community’s safety and security. In the redesigned system, NPCs will be accountable for the total outcome of policing in the community. A short summary of the key differences between the NPP system and the NPC system is given in the below figure. 133 RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES No. 56 NPP System †¢ Community policing post with limited services †¢ Disparity in workload due to electoral based boundaries †¢ General services to attract residents and establish points of contact †¢ Low value tasks and narrow job scope †¢ Compartmentalisation of services with many officers each performing a separate task †¢ Lower priority on proactive work †¢ Community-based policing NPC System †¢ One-stop total policing centre provding the full range of policing services †¢ More efficient pooling of manpower resources to serve the community †¢ Focused on services that are critical to safety and security †¢ High value, board job challenge, better quality officers †¢ Integrated service process with one NPC officer handling the entire service process †¢ Dedicated resources for proactive work †¢ Community-focused policing B. One-Stop Total Policing Centre Today, the areas policed by NPPs vary significantly. Some NPPs have jurisdiction over areas with 2,000 households, while other NPPs serve up to 5,000 households. NPCs will however serve areas of similar residential population sizes. On average, each NPC will serve about 100,000 residents. The size of each NPC is kept to between 100-120 officers, with administrative overheads, such as personnel and logistical support borne by the Regional Command Headquarters. It also ensures that the NPCs are not so large as to present a cold and impersonal image to the public. A total of 32 NPCs will be created by the year 2001 to serve an indigenous population of 3. 2 million in Singapore. NPCs, as centres of total policing, have a variety of policing options, ranging from reactive patrols and investigations, to proactive policing activities. These 32 NPCs islandwide will be supplemented by at least another 66 NPPs, with each NPC managing between 1 to 4 NPPs. With the creation of NPCs, the current 91 NPPs would be re-distributed to achieve a balance of easy accessibility to police counter services for the public and an optimal number of NPPs to be deployed in the NPC system. The emergence of the NPC as the sole vehicle for the provision of policing services means that NPPs cease to be sub-units of a larger police unit. The officers manning each NPP will come from the NPC itself. NPPs therefore represent service points only, with the deployment of patrol, investigative and pro-active policing resources based on the overall needs of the entire NPC area of operations. Each of the six policing regions will have a dedicated Regional Command Headquarters to oversee police operations. Six Regional Commands will replace the existing seven police divisions. These Regional Commands will comprise the command and support elements for the region. They will also include specialist investigation units, focusing on investigations into serious crimes and other investigations likely to lead to prosecution in court. Each Regional Command will house a NPC to serve as the frontline service point for public interaction. 1 A DGP is a development plan that defines and builds a particular township. In the plan, each town’s boundaries are clearly mapped out. 134 112TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS C. Relationship to Development Guide Plans (DGPs) Unlike the current NPP boundaries which are linked to political constituencies that may change after a General Election, NPC boundaries are based on Urban R e d e v e l o p m e n t A u t h o r i t y ’s ( U R A ) Development Guide Plan1 (DGP) areas for the following reasons: (a) The DGP areas, being geographicallybased, provide additional leverage by creating a sense of territorial ownership for the community. This will enhance the community’s identity. (b) Each DGP area also has an expressed vision, which further reinforces a coherent identity for the communities living within that area. (c) DGP areas are permanent, unlike electoral boundaries. Over time, distinct identities can emerge for different communities, without being interrupted by changes in constituency boundaries. Each NPC operates out of police facilities sited within its area of operation. Facilities for the NPCs could be co-located with other community agencies. A single edifice, representing all the community agencies for that area, will tity for the comm the sense of community identity and permanence. As NPCs or NPPs are the means through which the SPF engages in community-focused policing, they can easily blend into a building that encompasses community clubs, community libraries, and service points for other community agencies. Most NPCs would be sited at 0. 0heart of 0. 0residential area in photing geilities commonmay other 135 12TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS The shift to a community-focused model fundamentally alters the SPF’s operating strategy. Successful policing will no longer be measured solely in terms of falling crime rates. As the focus shifts from the police to the community, what matters to the community, for example, its level of safety and security, will determine the success or otherwise of the police mission. Arising from this, it will no longer be appropriate for formulaic approaches to be applied uniformly across the different communities. Police units operating in different communities must develop customised solutions tailored to meet the needs of, and which take into account the constraints on, each community. The need for specific, custom-made and workable solutions will redefine the required levels of operational competence. These demands will fuel the need to develop, at the organisational level, learning competencies so that each customised solution enhances the quality of the future solutions. An operating strategy that is focused on the community also entails a skillful management of relationships between the police and the individuals, grassroots organisations and volunteer groups that form part of the community. Structurally, the SPF will be empowered and decentralised, so that at the front-line, police officers can ‘broker’ for total solutions in response to community law and order concerns. Such an approach also has other benefits, in particular, by providing opportunities for individual participation in improving the quality of life in their community, so that emotional bonds to the community are strengthened. It therefore forms an inportant element in the overall Singapore 21 vision to build a civil society with strong community ties and active citizenry. It is also an integral part of the Government’s strategy to gradually lower the community’s level of dependency on the authorities and to engender shared responsibility for social problems and their solutions. This is done through a new initiative known as the Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP). A CSSP is an action programme jointly drawn up by the grassroots leaders, residents and the police. It consists of the profile of the community and its needs, the key agencies involved and the action plans to tackle the community problems affecting the safety and security of the neighbourhood. Through CSSPs, the NPC system aims to shift the community’s mindset from what the police are doing about safety and security to what we can do together. One CSSP is crafted for each precinct / constituency and each differs from another, since different communities in different neighbourhoods might not share the same concerns. The CSSP aims to get the residents more involved and be responsible in taking actions to address the safety and security concerns affecting their neighbourhoods. The driving belief is that each citizen can make a difference to society. G. Optimising the Contribution of Each Police Officer The SPF currently has a regular component of nearly 8,000 officers and 1,000 civilian staff. With falling birth rates, the size of new cohorts joining the workforce grows smaller each year. As an organisation competing within a limited pool of labour resources, the SPF must be attractive and challenging to bring in the best talents. Whilst the SPF may face the challenge of attracting the best talent to join the organisation, it has to contend with retaining officers over the medium to long term. 137 RESOURCE MATERIAL SERIES No. 6 SPF Commissioner, Khoo Boon Hui, during one of his dialogue sessions with NPC officers said â€Å"†¦ That is why not only do we have to take care of those who are with us, but to get the best people to join us †¦ one of the main motivations of why we are going into the NPC system, †¦ is to bring our officers to match the expectations of the job, and to be proud of what we do. ’’ Through the NPC system, the SPF is able to redesign its front-line jobs so that it can continue to recruit quality manpower from each graduating cohort. At the same time, in line with the national policy of continuous upgrading, the SPF also needs to upgrade the qualifications of its officers after they have entered the service. Redesigning jobs to create viable and attractive front-line careers in the NPC system will serve to enhance the credibility of the SPF as an institution, and instill trust in the ability of the police to carry out their tasks effectively. The educational profile of police officers serving the community must be kept high to match the broad rise in educational qualification of the society. This will enable the SPF to meet new job demands, greater challenges and the expectations of the public. H. Organisational Structure In order to fulfil its role as being community-focused, and responsive and flexible to the needs of the community, police officers in the NPC operate in an empowered and self-directed fashion. They work as a team, rather than as individual officers. The basic unit in the NPC is a group of three front-line officers, led by one group leader. This group of four officers is selfdirected, and undertake the entire range of policing responsibilities of the NPC. Each group is also responsible for nurturing and building a network of community relationships within a precinct of about 1,200 – 1,500 households. As this group is deployed as an operational entity, it will facilitate the process of team learning, a key lever of change and innovation in the redesigned system. An average of 5-6 such groups form one team, which is led by a team leader and one assistant team leader. Each NPC have four teams, reporting to an NPC commander. Each NPC comprise, on average, 100 regular officers. With another 15 full-time national servicemen attached to the NPP, the total strength of the NPC will be about 115 officers. X. NPC IMPLEMENTATION PHASES As the NPC system is a major change for the entire the SPF. It involves major re-organisation. Many of these changes will take some time to implement. A phased implementation approach has been adopted: Pilot Phase Oct 1997 1st pilot: Queenstown NPC created in Central West Region. Apr 1998 Another 3 NPCs, namely Bukit Timah NPC, Bukit Merah West NPC and Jurong East NPC were created in same region. Phase I Jun 1999 6 NPCs in West Region to be created. Phase II Jun 2000 4 NPCs to be created in North, North-Eastern and East Regions. 138 112TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE VISITING EXPERTS’ PAPERS Phase III Jun 2001 SPF believes that its policing changes are set in the right direction. Our success will depend on our willingness to learn and change the way we operate. Our commitm ent and passion to learn collectively as a team, from the top police chief to the front-line officer, may turn out to be the most significant success factor in our journey into the new policing environment presented by the next millennium. 8 NPCs to be created in Central-Western Region. In Commissioner Khoo’s words, â€Å"A pilot is not to test whether the system will succeed or not. It is a pilot in the sense that we allow officers more leeway to improve the system, to share experiences, resolve operational problems and tell us what is wrong. ’’ XI. PRELIMINARY NPC’S RESULTS A recent review of the pilot phase implementation has shown positive results and all the NPC objectives are largely met. A large majority of the officers felt that they had stronger working relationships with their team mates, between teams, supervisors and key officers. 74% of the officers were confident of their abilities in performing the various aspects of NPC duties (information technology systems, procedures and investigative duties). 81% of the officers rated the facilities in the NPC to be much better than their previous workplace (NPPs and Land Divisions). Compared to one year before the NPC was set up, one-third of the residents in the precincts felt that the safety in the neighbourhood now was â€Å"much better†. Two-thirds of the residents felt that the police had at least made some improvements to increase security in the neighbourhood with the creation of NPCs. XII. CONCLUSION The community policing framework in Singapore has been shifted to uplift the professionalism in front-line jobs and getting the community more involved in safety and security matters. The re-design of the NPP system builds on the achievements the SPF has made over the past few years – community policing, empowerment and quality service. The 139 How to cite Public Administration Dichotomy, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Corporate Entities Companies Act - 1993
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Entities for Companies Act, 1993. Answer: (a). (i) Section 128 of the Companies Act, 1993[1], says that a companys affairs and business are to be administered by the board of the company. It further states that the board has the all the powers that are needed in doing so. Section 130[2] of the act holds that the board can delegate its powers to a director, committee or an employee subject to certain conditions. The board stays responsible for such acts. As per section 138[3] of this act, the directors can rely upon reports, statements (or other information) which have been prepared by experts or professionals. The decisions taken by directors in a board meeting have to be based on the deliberations and discussions between the directors. These directors are the members of the Board. Any person who is not a director cannot take part in such meetings (exception section 130). The discussions of board are confidential in nature. Section 145[4] of this act states that a director should not disclose any such information, which is not available to the director or public in the normal course. Keeping in mind the above provisions, the presence of WSBPLs directors in Fancys board meetings would result in breach of confidential information by the directors. The affairs of Fancy have to be administered by the board of Fancy and any interference from the board of the WSBPL would result in contravention of this section. Further, taking inference from Section 130, Fancy can delegate its powers but that has not been done here. Moreover, a disclose of confidential information of Fancy would be done if WSBPL attends such board meetings. In such a case, director would have performed a contravention of responsibility to function in good faith as per Section 138A(1)[5]. (ii) In case where the WSBPLs directors were not present at Fancys board meetings and the board was simply relying on the recommendations of the report, the matter would be covered under Section 138 of the Companies Act, 1993. As stated above, this section gives directors the liberty to use information or statements prepared by professionals or experts in matter where the directors believe such expertise is necessary. This section is applicable only when a director of the company performs in good faith and carries out thorough investigation (if necessary). In this case, only reliance was made on the report and the meeting of the board was held properly, so the directors would not be liable for any breach. And no offence would have been committed. (b). (i) Section 145 of the Companies Act, 1993 holds restrictions for utilization of company data. As per this section, a director or an employee of a company cannot disclose or use any information unless it is required by the company or law. This means that the sensitive information of a company cannot be used by a director or an employee for their personal benefits. This has been famously held in the matter of Pacifica Shipping Co Ltd v Andersen Ors[6]. The cases of Kawhia Offshore Services Ltd v Rutherford and Marine Mooring[7] and Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley[8] further affirm the judgment of Pacifica v Andersen case. In all these cases, the central theme of the decision of the judge stated that a director is not allowed to take advantage of the possible business opportunities or benefits available to the company. These cases further hold that the economic benefits may be negligible or nil. Even in such cases, a director is prohibited from using the information of the company for his personal benefits. Here, Dunstan and Swindle are two directors of the company and there are two employees of the professional firm hired to write the report. These people had thorough knowledge about the financial condition of the company. They also had confidential information relating to various aspects of Fancys business. Most importantly, these people are aware about the expansion opportunity available with Fancy and also the huge demand of Fancys products in Canterbury. These parties are also aware about the profitability of Fancy which has exceeded the companys expectations in the last ten years. The actions of the four individuals would result in a contravention of the fiduciary duties of a director. Under section 131 of the act, it is the fiduciary duty of the directors of Fancy to act in good faith and best interest of the company. Forming a new company would prove them guilty of contravention of this section. It is the duty of the director of Fancy to act as a responsible director. Also, sect ion 145 dictates that the information be used in diligent manner, and here formation of new company results in direct violation of this section by both the directors and the employees. And as a result he would have committed an offence as stated under Section 138A(1). (ii) In order to avoid being held accountable for their actions they must fulfill certain conditions. These conditions have been stated as a test by the judge (Davison CJ) in the case of Pacifica Shipping Co Ltd v Andersen Ors[9]. The judge stated a test which the parties would have undertake to prove that the information used by them was public and not confidential. Secondly, they must prove that the information was freely communicated and there was no secrecy or confidentiality duty. Lastly, they can show that the use of information has caused no harm to Fancys business or otherwise. This last point is the most advantageous point for these parties and from the view of the company this is the most disadvantageous one. In order to show that the use of particular business has caused harm to the company, a link between the information and damage has to be clearly established. The parties can prove that there was no direct link. They dont have to go to the hassle of proving that there was a direct link that is the responsibility of the company. These parties can simply show that there was no interconnection and that the points are mutually exclusive. A notable case in this matter is Holden v Architectural Finishes Ltd[10] where the judge held that director used the information which was public knowledge and not confidential in nature. The judge also held that no special opportunity was utilized by director. (c). (i) Section 138 of Companies Act, 1993 states that a director can, in order to fulfill his duties, make a reliance upon reports or statements or other information prepared by an employee of the company who is competent in the related matters. A director can also rely on such persons professional advice. But this section further says that a director has to do so in good faith and has to make necessary inquiry where needed to use such information or advice. Also, the director has to make sure that there is no reason to decline such information or advice. In case the directors is aware that such reliance may prove harmful for the company, he should not use such information or advice In the given case, the directors of Fancy have access to the accounts of the company. They also have knowledge about the PAYE and GST being unpaid and that cheques of the company have been dishonored. Despite this the accountant and the general manager of the company have advised for continuation of operation of business. The directors should not let the company continue its trading. Though the advice has been received from professionals/experts on the matter (being an accountant) but everything is in front of directors and they are aware of the weak financial conditions. The Act through section 131[11] contains that it is the duty of the directors to perform acts in good faith and in foremost interests of the company. Section 135[12] of this act holds that the directors must not allow the business to be continued when there is a considerable risk of major loss to the creditors of the company. The act through section 137[13] holds that directors should exercise due diligence, care and skill while performing their duties. A director is supposed to be loyal to the company they work for. Section 131 of the Act indirectly points towards the fiduciary duty of any director to be loyal to the company. This was famously held in the matter of Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver[14]. The directors were held responsible for breach of their duties by failing to capitalize an opportunity which would have resulted in reasonable profits. To further answer this question, a reference must be made to the case of AWA Ltd v Daniels[15]. The judge of this case held that a director has to have the basic knowledge about the companys business. The judge also held that the director has to make sure that he is intimate with the foundations of the business of the company. In case of Norman v Theodore Goddard[16], it was held that a director should exercise due diligence, care and skill while performing their duties in such a way as a normal person may undertake his own sake. In this case, if the directors continue the operations, they would be held as having committed an offence stated under Section 138A(1). (d).(i) In order to promote transparency and accountability, the law requires every company to maintain certain records. Section 189[17] of the Companies Act, 1993 contains the requirement of keeping company records. As per this section, the company has to keep certain documents at the registered office of the company. This includes the company constitution; the minutes of every meeting plus the shareholders resolutions (last seven years); register of interests; minutes of every meeting of directors plus the resolutions passed by directors committees and the directors (last seven years); certificates provided by the directors (last seven years); details of directors including their names and addresses in full; duplicates of the written transmissions to shareholders (last seven years) with the annual reports; duplicates of financial statements (last seven years); the accounting records of ongoing accounting period (last seven years complete financial statements); and the share register. Section 87[18] of the Companies Act, 1993 states that a share register must be maintained by a company. This register should record the issue of share by the company. The register should clearly state if the constitution of the company applies any restriction on transfer of shares. And it should also contain how the documents containing such restrictions can be inspected. As per sections 200[19] and 201[20] of Companies Act, 1993, every large company has to compile financial statements annually[21]. Such financial statements should be compiled within five months of the date of the balance sheet and have to be signed (and dated) by the directors of the company. Also, these financial statements are to be compiled by following the generally accepted accounting practice. (iii) Section 194[22] of Companies Act, 1993 contains the legal obligations of Fancys board to ensure accounting records are kept. This section states that the board of company needs to make sure that the accounting records are retained at any and all times; and that the records rightly document the companys deals. The board also has to ensure that, the records clearly show that, the financial statements of the company have been complied as per the accounting practices which are accepted generally. Lastly, it is also required from directors to ensure that the statements can be audited properly and at any instance. This section requires the directors to form and sustain adequate system of control of the accounting records. The section further requires that the records/ documents must be retained in English or in a language which can be easily and readily be converted into written form in English. Section 195[23] of the Companies Act, 1993 contains that such accounting records can be retained at a place other than New Zealand. In case where the accounting records are not kept in the country, the company has to make certain that the conditions stated in section 195(2)(a)[24] are fulfilled. Also, a notice stating where the accounting records have been kept has to be provided to the Registrar. (iv) As per section 194 this act, if companys board is unable to fulfill the essentials covered in this section, every director is considered to have committed an offence. Such director(s) is also liable to the penalties stated in section 374(3) of this act. Such penalties are applicable only if the director is held responsible and is convicted under the sections of this act. Section 374[25] of the Act contains the provisions regarding penalties that can be imposed on the directors where the board is unable to fulfill the provisions of this act or where the company is unable to fulfill the provisions of this act. As per section 374(3)[26] of Companies Act, 1993, a director convicted of an offence in this Act is culpable to a penatly. The value of such penatly, in this given case, cannot exceed $50000. In the present case, if Fancys board fails to fulfill the terms contained in section 194, each director would have committed an offence. And as a result, each director of Fancy would be liable to penalty of upto $50000. References Cases New Zealand Pacifica Shipping Co Ltd v Andersen Ors [1986] 2 NZLR 328; (1985) 2 NZCLC 99,306 Holden v Architectural Finishes Ltd (1996) 7 NZCLC 260, 976 at 261,027. Kawhia Offshore Services Ltd v Rutherford and Marine Mooring HC Hamilton CP61-99, 24 April 2002 Australia AWA Ltd v Daniels (1992) 7 ASCR 759; 10 ACLC 933 at 101 United Kingdom Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley [1972] 2 All ER 162 Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver [1942] 1 All ER 378 Norman v Theodore Goddard (1991) BCLC 1027 Statutes New Zealand Companies Act 1993. Other sources Maintaining and keeping records (30 March 2015) New Zealand: Companies Office https://www.business.govt.nz/companies/learn-about/compliance-requirements/maintaining-keeping-records#accounting-records
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Scarlet Letter Scaffol Scenes Essay Research free essay sample
The Scarlet Letter Scaffol Scenes Essay, Research Paper # 65279 ; The scaffold scenes are by far the most popular agencies of indicating out the perfect balance and construction of Hawthorne? s chef-doeuvre. The first clip we meet all the chief characters of the novel is in the first scaffold scene. The second of three important scaffold scenes appears precisely in the center of the novel. Again, Hawthorne gathers all of his major characters in one topographic point. Hawthorne brings all the chief characters together one more clip in the 3rd and concluding scaffold scene. This scene begins with the victory of Dimmesdale? s discourse and ends with his decease. These scenes unite the secret plan, subjects, and symbols of the novel in a perfect balance. The basic construction for the novel is provided by the scaffold scenes because everything else revolves around what happens during these scenes. The first scaffold scene focal points on Hester and the vermilion missive. We will write a custom essay sample on The Scarlet Letter Scaffol Scenes Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hester stands entirely with Pearl in her weaponries, a mere baby and mark of her wickedness. Meanwhile, a crowd of townsfolk has gathered to watch her humiliation and to hear a discourse. Two of import people in the crowd our Roger Chillingworth and Arthur Dimmesdale. Chillingworth, Hester? s hubby merely returned from his long journey to America. Her lover, Dimmesdale, portions her platform as a evildoer but non her public humiliation. Dimmesdale is present throughout the whole scene but he is really hesitant to acknowledge that his is the secret lover, although Mr. Wilson is teasing him to happen out who it is. He doesn? t admit because he is afraid if he does squeal it will destroy his repute as a individual and as a curate. Chillingworth demands Hester to give him the name of her spouse in wickedness but she will non make so. In this scene, we have Hester? s public penitence, Dimmesdale? s reluctance to acknowledge his ain guilt, and the beginning of Chillingworth? s diabolic secret plan to happen and penalize the male parent of Pearl. The 2nd scaffold scene once more provides a position of all the chief characters, a dramatic vision of the vermilion A, and one of the most memorable representations in American literature. In the covering of darkness, Dimmesdale made his manner to the scaffold to execute a soundless vigil of his ain. Dimmesdale is holding a hard clip covering with his ain guilt, the concluding for his late dark base on the scaffold. In his anguish he all of a sudden cries out a scream of torment that is heard by Hester and Pearl on their journey place from the deceasing bed of Governor Winthrop. After hearing this scream both Hester and Pearl join Dimmesdale on the scaffold. Pearl so asks Dimmesdale if he will be fall ining her and Hester at that place at noontime on the following twenty-four hours. Dimmesdale responds that their meeting will be on the great opinion twenty-four hours, instead than here in the daytime. Hawthorne desc ribes the state of affairs as such, ? And at that place stood the curate, with his manus over his bosom ; and Hester Prynne, with the embroidered missive gleaming on her bosom ; and small Pearl, herself a symbol, and the linking nexus between the two of them. ? ( Hawthorne 144 ) . The call of Dimmesdale was besides heard by two other people, they were Mr. Wilson and Chillingworth. Mr. Wilson thought that Dimmesdale was upset about Governor Winthrop? s decease so he thought nil of the incident. Chillingworth was spotted by Pearl when a big meteor Burnss through the dark sky. Although Chillingworth said nil to the three, his concluding for standing at that place gazing at them is really cryptic. This is when Hester and Dimmesdale start to inquire if he knows the truth about them. The people of the town idea that the meteor symbolized the vermilion A. This scene flourishes with symbols. They include: the scaffold itself ; Dimmesdale? s silent vigil ; the three perceivers that represent Church ( Mr.Wilson ) , State ( Governor Winthrop ) , and the World of Evil ( Chillingworth ) ; the connexion between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale ; and the meteor. The concluding scaffold scene occurs after the emanation on Election Day. In this powerful scene, Dimmesdale regains his psyche, Pearl additions her humanity, Chillingworth loses his victim, and Hester loses her dreams. Here once more, the chief characters come together, and Dimmesdale reveals his? vermilion missive? . After Dimmesdale delivered his Election Day sermon, he stood on the scaffold with his lover and his kid and confessed his wickedness to everyone. Suddenly the curate sinks down on the scaffold and dies. Right before Dimmesdale died Pearl leaned down and kissed the curate, so she started to shout. This shows that Pearl eventually showed love for Dimmesdale and she now realizes and understands that he is her male parent. Since Dimmesdale died, Chillingworth no longer has a victim to terrorise. This gives him so much grieve he ends up deceasing besides. In this concluding scene, all the symbols and characters are one time once more present: the Church, State, and the World of Evil, the vermilion missive, the punishing scaffold, a symbolic buss, and of class, decease. Hawthorne ties together all the of import subjects, secret plans, and symbols of The Scarlet Letter, into three scaffold scenes. These scenes provide the basic construction for the novel because everything else revolves around what happens during these scenes. During the first scaffold scene we meet all the chief characters in Hawthorne? s chef-doeuvre. In the 2nd scene once more all the chief characters are brought together once more. During this scene a dramatic vision of the vermilion A takes topographic point. The concluding scene begins with the victory of Dimmesdale? s discourse and terminals with his decease. Once once more all the chief characters are present.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Levels of Security Essays
Levels of Security Essays Levels of Security Essay Levels of Security Essay In some places the security makes people feel as though they are being arrested and other places where America’s children spend the day are often not secure enough. Is there a happy medium to protect the innocent without making them feel like criminals?Since September 11, 2001, boarding an airplane requires almost the same level of security clearance as meeting the President, while almost anyone can walk into many schools. The local retail store has more security even than some schools do. What needs to be done to provide protection while still allowing freedom in American society?Anyone who has tried to board a plane in the past six years knows what it feels like to be interrogated. In order to get through security in an airport, one must go through a metal detector, have their bags x-rayed and undergo a multitude of questions. Any questionable items like liquids, scissors, or letter openers are brought into question and sometimes c onfiscated. Babies are unwrapped and searched shoes have to be removed to make sure no weapons are hidden and in some cases body searches are made, simply to go on a business trip. The airlines are so frightened of a 9/11 repeat that no one is above suspicion. Even passengers in wheelchairs must prove they are not hiding anything. Any liquid container over 3 ounces is taken and all lighters in a pocket or purse are confiscated (TSA).  Security officers are seen in every corridor watching for any suspicious behavior and if a person has a seizure on a plane they are arrested for possible acts of terrorism. By the time the person is actually allowed to board the plane they have been recorded on video and feel like they have been accused of a crime.In the local retail store people are not interrogated, unless they are suspected of theft, but there every move is monitored. People are recorded on camera when they walk into the store, when they put items into their c arts, and when they pay. Dressing rooms are not allowed to contain cameras, but someone sits at the door to monitor what goes in and what goes out to make sure they match. Shoppers are greeted as they go into the store, but they go through an alarmed door in order to exit to make sure they have not stolen anything. Often even the parking lot has cameras in it. Many larger stores have hired security officers to monitor the store and the parking lot for any problem behavior.In the local school however it is somewhat less secure. Since the number of school shootings in recent years, schools have become more secure especially in large cities. Some have hired security officers and monitor doors a few have gone to alarm systems and metal detectors, but many small schools still lack sufficient security measures. The main reason for this is that in small communities people still do not think bad things happen there. Of course most of the school shootings have occurred in small communities. One of the most recent of these was an Amish school with no security other than a young female teacher. Many of these schools have signs telling visitors to check in at the office, and stating that all doors are locked except the main entrance. Most times during the day however, these doors are not locked and anyone can walk in. Parents are supposed to make a list of the people who are allowed to pick children up from school, but this is not always closely monitored. Cameras are not installed in many small schools and the principal and teachers are the only security staff provided.The lacking school security is the result of the small towns saying they do not want to make visitors feel they are not welcome in the schools. It is true that no parent wants to feel interrogated for going to have lunch with their child, but no parent wants to find out their child has been shot by a classmate either. If it is okay to make people go through extensive security measures in airports and retail stores, then it needs to be okay in schools. The safety of America’s children needs to be considered as important as the safety of its clothes and radios. A stranger should not be allowed to walk in off the street and walk out with someone’s child and sadly this happens very often in this country.What can be done to create a balance in the safety of our airlines, retail stores and children? It is true that the airports in the United States were the targets of a major terrorist attack and need to be protected, but so were the schools. Just weeks ago a student on a large college campus walked into class and killed over twenty students.The American people are starting to feel like suspects while trying to go on vacation while students are being killed in their classrooms. With this trend, parents are going to send their children to the airport or shopping instead of to school, because they w ill be safer. One of the main problems is that the airline industry and retailers spend a great deal of money on security. Unfortunately, most public schools do not have a budget for expensive security measures or security staff. Therefore they are limited to dividing up the teacher’s time between teaching and monitoring student safety.One of the first steps to making schools safer is developing a plan for the school’ssecurity and determining who is in charge of the security (Richards, 1997). Schools are making progress by making the lists of people allowed to pick children up and lists of people who are not allowed to take them. These lists just need to be more closely monitored to make sure they are followed. Many children who are kidnapped by non-custodial parents are picked up after school by them even though they may be on the no pick up list. The schools next need to assign someone at doors if they are not locked to make sure visitors sign in and out. Each public school needs at least one individual who is specifically assigned to insure the safety of the students. This person should monitor halls to make sure there is no one with weapons or fighting. Schools should incorporate a safety evacuation plan in case of such emergencies as a gun attack. These plans should be practiced periodically like the fire and natural disaster drills. Even without expensive surveillance equipment or metal detectors, schools can be safer if there is a clear plan and it is practiced regularly.On the other side of the security dilemma is the overly secure airlines and shopping centers. These obviously need to be closely monitored and the security needs to stay advanced as the terrorism plots become constantly more sophisticated. The cameras and x-ray machines have been around for years, but maybe they can eventually require less strict searches of people. People want and need to feel safe and it is an unpleasan t fact that security measures are required to ensure safety. If that makes people feel their privacy is invaded a little it is okay. Making innocent people feel like criminals however makes people want to stop going shopping or flying. There needs to be some kind of compromise to provide the average American to feel a degree of safety while still having some freedom and privacy.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Continuous Expansion of its Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Continuous Expansion of its Economy - Assignment Example If Hip-hop sells CDs at 11, Gerries sells it at 10 and the latter gets 1800 monthly sales. If Hip-hop sells at 10, still Gerries gets 1800. A low price of 10 is the dominant strategy because Gerries gets it no matter how much the price Hip-hop sells the CDs. The retailers have the option to sell the CDs at 10 or 11, and they can have a pre-commitment to meet the competition. If both sell at 10, they get 2000 each monthly sales, and if they sell at 11, they get 1800 each monthly sales. This is the dominant price. They can collude successfully, meaning they agree to sell this at this price. But each has the option to manipulate or to retaliate. Gerries can outsmart Hip-hop or Hip-hop can outsmart Gerries, making the 360 - 1600 sales for the 10 - 11 sell-off. They both have the ability to retaliate because the difference is only 1. And what is 1 But what is 1 if you multiply it with the number of CDs sold in a month The figure is enticing to the mind of a retailer/businessman because it would seem big: 1 x nos. of CDs in a month would seem big. But if we follow our matrix, the picture is clear that if one sells at 11 and the other 10, the one who sells high will only get 360 and the other 1600. Two fast food restaurant chains, BurgerBinge and McGinnis, are considering outlets within the same small shopping mall. If they both begin operations they will each lose 100,000 pa. If only one sets up it will earn 250,000 pa. profits. Draw up the pay off matrix. Use the matrix to define and explain the notion of "first mover advantage". In the first-mover advantage, a game is in equilibrium when neither player has an incentive to alter their choice. This means that both players have decided to set up their outlets. If they withdraw or do not set up, the game is not in equilibrium. In the matrix, if BurgerBinge sets up the outlet alone, he gets 250,000 profits pa, but if McGinnis sets up too, they will both lose 100,000 each. When both do not set up, they won't have profits, and the game is not in equilibrium. Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A Look at a Baters Food Group's Distribution Strategy in Meeting Essay
A Look at a Baters Food Group's Distribution Strategy in Meeting Delivery Performance - Essay Example Aside from discussing the significance of zero-inventory-ordering policies, staggering delivery, and just-in-time (JIT) concept in the establishment of lean production and distribution system, this report identified and discussed several factors that can trigger operational bottle-neck within a food manufacturing company. Furthermore, this report tackled the importance of using e-commerce in expanding the existing distribution system of Baxters. Table of Contents Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Table of Contents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 I. Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦. 4 II. Common Factors that Directly and Indirectly Causes Distribution and Delivery Performance Problems on E-Commerce . 5 III. Importance of Establishing Lean Production and Distribution System on E-Commerce .............................................. 7 IV. Significance of Zero-Inventory-Ordering Policies, Staggering Delivery, and Just-In-Time (JIT) Concept in the Establishment of Lean Production and Distribution System ........... 10 V. Baxters Food Group’s Distribution Strategy in Meeting Delivery Performance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 12 VI. ... 22 Appendix II – Significance of E-commerce on Baxters’ Distribution Strategy †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 23 Introduction Formerly known as W.A. Baxters & Sons Limited, Baxters Food Group Limited was established back in 1868 as a local food manufacturing company in Scotland that specializes in the manufacturing of microwaveable gourmet soup bowls, chilli bowls, pickles and other food preservatives such as jams, marmalades, and jellies, chutneys and sauces (Baxters 2012a; Bloomberg Businessweek 2012). Today, the company manufactures its food products throughout Australia, Canada, and Poland (Baxters 2012b). Despite the global economic uncertainties during the past couple of years, the use of e-commerce enabled Baxters Food Group able to maintain the efficiency of its distribution and delivery performance. Even though the company’s monthly sales were down by 2% from ?125.8 million as com pared to ?129 million in 2010, Baxters Food Group reported approximately 6% increase in its pre-tax profits as of 2011 (McCulloch 2012). Delivery performance of Baxters is highly dependent on its ability to establish a lean production system. Since Baxters Food Group is a local food manufacturing company in Scotland, it is necessary to identify and discuss all factors that could create flaws on its production and distribution line. In relation to the distribution strategies used by Baxters Food Group, this report will focus on analyzing the factors that made the company able to maintain its efficiency despite the volatility in the demand for canned food products. Using the principles, theories, frameworks, and techniques of modern manufacturing strategies, this report will discuss how the Baxters was able to maintain its daily operational costs low
Monday, November 18, 2019
Master of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Master of Education - Essay Example Several competencies may be used in the classroom, such as: how to use the multiple intelligence strategies where the educator is able to decipher which intelligences are appropriate according to the student population in the classroom. The use of both the intellectual quotient and the emotional quotient will prepare the students to be well prepared for their academic work as well as becoming part of the workforce in due time. I hope to be in a position where I may use these elements in educational settings.This academic graduate program will help me to be able to reach my educational goals and prepare me to put these strategies and theories into practice. It will help me to become a well-rounded educator so that I may share my knowledge with my students and the educational system that include my colleagues.My strengths are that I am an achiever. I am a leader in those activities that I become involved with and I also know how to become a follower. I start and finish tasks on or befo re their due dates. I am a responsible person and I am also a dedicated person.One of my weaknesses was that for personal reasons my grades fell and my attendance was affected. This was due to my mother ´s illness. I had the responsibility to care for her. This, however, became part of my strength since I knew that I wanted to pursue my educational goal and that is the reason why I am applying to your graduate program.I hope University gives me the opportunity to pursue my educational goals.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Aboriginal People In Canadian History And Culture History Essay
Aboriginal People In Canadian History And Culture History Essay Canada has provided a home for settlers ever since the first inhabitants arrived on the continent. Each of these groups of settlers had contributed to the rise of the country in several ways. Among the many inhabitants throughout the history of Canada, Canadian Indians had one of the greatest influence on the countrys economy and provided a very rich cultural heritage. Many experts think that the first Indian settlers had migrated to Canada during the last Ice Age, leaving their previous homeland, Siberia. After the ice had melted, only people could cross to Canada through the Bering Strait, while land animals had to stay behind. [1] Therefore, Canadian Indians had to establish their villages and society without the help of the most common European domestic animals such as donkeys, horses or oxen. Despite the fact that their domestic animal resources were limited, early Canadian Indians were very successful farmers. During the period between 500 BC and 1000 AD, each of the numerous Indian tribes had their own developed culture, customs and beliefs. Their food sources varied according to the geographical features of their living areas. In the northern areas of the country, fishing and hunting were the most popular means of acquiring food. The tribes living there, for example the Inuits, hunted for whales, thus they introduced a sea-hunting culture to the area. Moreover, among the Inuits, there were several fishermen who fished for salmon in the cold rivers surrounding their villages. The weather around the Arctic was quite harsh, especially during winter when the seas froze and snow covered everything, which made it necessary for the Inuits to develop new objects, such as the dog sleds, or the snow houses [2] , which are in use even in present day. The arrival of the European conquerors brought a huge change into the lives of the native people of Canada. As the members of the First Nations were skilled hunters and fishermen, they had resources and useful goods to offer to the Europeans. Among these goods, the most important one was animal fur (first the fur of beavers). Europeans and the native people made contact with each other with the help of trading goods. Europeans traded metal tools (which were very much needed by the Indians) for highly expensive animal fur. The limited cultural background of the North American hunting peoples provided an insatiable demand for the products of the more elaborate cultural development of Europeans. The supply of European goods, the product of a more advanced and specialized technology, enabled the Indians to gain a livelihood more easily to obtain their supply of food, as in the case of moose, more quickly, and to hunt the beaver more effectively. [3] As a result, several trading posts had been set up, which later evolved into towns, thus helping the development of Canadian settlements. The most active fur trading tribes, such as the Algonquians and the Hurons had an enermous role in the establishment of the very first trading stations and colonies. They hunted for food which they provided for the colonists, even if they had to carry these goods several hundreds of kilometers to be able to sell them. With the help of these tribes, the French colonists managed to establish the colony of Quebec, the first colony of Canada, in 1608. If it had not been for the help of the Algonquian and the Huron tribes, the French may have not been able to hold their stand on the continent. Due to the fact that the aboriginal inhabitants of Canada had been living in the country for a long time, several geographical areas were named by them, and many of these names are still in use in the present day. Actually, the name Canada originates from an Iroquoian word that means village or settlement [4] , which was later adopted by French settlers like Jacques Cartier. Other provinces and territories whose official names are aboriginal in origin are Yukon, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nunavut. [5] Also, there are thousands of towns or cities with their names originating from aboroginal names, which indicates the huge impact of the aboriginal culture on present day Canada. The art of the indigenous people of Canada also largely contributed to the countrys cultural heritage. The most important art had been created before the European settlers arrived, and these artifacts have very unique characteristics. The most popular artifacts produced in that time were the totem poles, which had animals, such as eagles, bears, ravens or legendary creatures depicted on them. Many of the aboriginal people were skilled sculptors or painters, and after the Europeans arrival some of them started to make art for a commercial purpose. As a result, more and more aboriginal art had reached a wide variety of audience, and the Indian art became more and more popular. The culture of the aboriginal people had a huge effect on the contemporary theatre, too. Many stories featured in plays or dramas were based on aboriginal stories told by Indian storytellers. Each tribe had its own creation story or myth that was told orally to the members of the tribe for hundreds of years, and especially during ceremonial occasions. These stories preserved the spoken language of the tribes, and added them to the cultural heritage of Canada. Today, there are several languages still spoken by indigenous people, and the most widespread ones include Anishinaabe and Cree, with several hundred thousand speakers; also Inuktitut, Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Mikmaq. [6] One of the most important contribution of the native people to the economy of Canada was the use of the canoe throughout the trading period of the 17th and 18th century. As the European colonists could not navigate the area, they often hired aboriginal guides to help them find their way, and to mediate between trading tribes. The canoe (usually made from birch bark) was the fastest means of transport through the rivers of the country, and due to its design and structure, it could carry a huge amount of goods, such as fur, food, or the metal and iron tools that the native people were given in return. There had been several examples of a single native person carrying goods on his canoe from the eastern part of the country to the west. This journey consisted of several thousand kilometers, and the importance of keeping the trade routes active was recognised both by the colonists and the Indians. The native people of Canada contributed to the military successes first against the British, then later against the United States. During the war between the French colonists and the British, the Iroquis had trained the French soldiers in guerilla warfare, which was a great advantage. New France (the French colony in Canada) also had allies among the Algonquians, and they proved to be a great asset. The French had very close trading (hence military) ties with the Abenakis from Maine, many of whom had sought refuge in Canada and with the Micmacs and Malecites in the Maritimes. France also had loose alliances with the Great Lakes Algonquians: the Ojibwa, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Miami, and Illionis. Moreover, the Canadian fur traders and fort commanders, unlike the land-hungry English settlers, cultivated a friendship of the Algonquians by giving the Indians gifts and presents. [7] One of the most important Indian war heros was named Tecumseh, leader of the Shawnee tribe, and a large contributor to the success of the war against the Americans. He was later considered a folk legend, and many Canadians remember him as a hero for the defense he did to their country, even today. Apart from cultural and military contributions, the aboriginal people in Canada invented several of the now everyday items and activities, such as maple syrup, tug of war, lacrosse, the toboggan, snowshoes. Lacrosse is now a very popular sport in Canada, while maple syrup is considered one of Canadas national products. The aboriginal people showed the settlers how to make maple syrup, or itsinzibuckwud, as the Alqonquians called it, which meant drawn from wood. In the early days of colonization, it was the Natives who showed French settlers how to tap the trunk of a tree at the outset of spring, harvest the sap and boil it to evaporate some of the water. This custom quickly became an integral part of colony life and during the 17th and 18th centuries, syrup was a major source of high quality pure sugar. Later, however, they would learn to bore holes in the trees and hang their buckets on home-made spouts. [8] In modern day Canada, Quebec produces the largest amount of maple syrup in the world, followed by the United States. In conclusion, the native peoples contribution to the economy and cultural heritage of Canada is very important. Not only did the aboriginals made it possible for the European settlers to establish a country in the continent, but they also introduced them to the typical food and tools of the native people, which made the life of the settlers easier. With the help of fur trade, the early Canadian economy was flourishing, and the alliances between the European settlers and the Indians helped Canada obtaining its independence.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Hundred Years War? Essay -- War England France Papers
The Hundred Years' War The start of hostilities in 1337 sees the balance of power stacked distinctly in the favor of France. Its population is large, its lands fertile, and its cities prosperous. A population of over 10 million make it one of, if not the strongest population base in Western Europe, with Paris laying claim to title as perhaps the sole great city in Latin Christendom . In contrast, the population of England totals only a third or a fourth of its adversary, with lands less developed and people less prosperous. Additionally, England still faces challenges from Scotland to the north, and though slightly less perilous in nature, revolts of the Welsh and Irish to the west. The marked difference in resource base allows French kings to continually field larger armies for the entire duration of the conflict. The defensive nature of the war for France also conveys considerable inherent advantages. Siege weapons have yet to catch up to the fortifications of the day, and larger walled cities and strongholds are often considered impregnable , requiring attacking armies to resort to the lengthy process of starving out a garrison before the city could be relieved. "The worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities. " Such a process, as in the case of Calais, could take months on end, with a high cost in men and resources which imposed a severe limitation on how much territory could be assaulted, broken, and held in any given amount of time. An army invading a territory as vast as the lands of France, whose landscape is dotted with fortified towns and castles, would be hard pressed to make any permanent inroads without the most tenacious and lengthy of operations. Defending a consolidated position of home territories al... ...t had enjoyed for so long not only vanish, but take root in the minds of their adversary, turning the balance of power so far from their favor as to make the continued struggle in the last years of the war entirely hopeless, carried on only due to the stubborn national pride of an island never willing to concede defeat. Bibliography Burne, Lt-Col. Alfred H. The Crecy War. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1955. Burne, Lt-Col. Alfred H. The Agincourt War. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1956. Giles, Lionel (translator). The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Hodder and Stoughton, 1981. Oman, Sir Charles. A History of The Art of War in the Middle Ages, Volume II. Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1924. Perroy, Edouard. The Hundred Years War. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1959. Thompson, Peter E. (translator). Contemporary Chronicles of the Hundred Years' War. The Folio Society Ltd, 1966.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Historical Court Cases and Landmark legislation on Special Education
Historical court cases and landmark legislation on special education schools have had various impacts on parents, children as well as the school and have directly impacted on various activities and rules that govern special education in our schools today. Though there are various historical court rulings on special education, in this paper I will emphasize on four cases to show how their ruling have had an impact on today’s special education.The first case to discuss was presented in 1972 by the Association for retarded citizens (PARC) vs. the Pennsylvania where children were not allowed in public school if they possessed certain characteristics. Some of the children were told that they could not attend schools because of their horrible appearances, which could otherwise be described as ugly to look at. The court ruling held that every child had a right to free and a public education. This ruling has impact on special education even today in that, it has enabled every child to have access of a free public education since it is right of children to receive education no matter of their disabilities or looks. It has also enabled children to freely interact with the others in school even though physical appearance of some of them may be horrible.In the case presented in 1979 by the Armstrong vs. Kline in Pennsylvania where the students who had disabilities were not allowed to go to the summer school even if the program was provided to the enabled students. The parents made a request to the district to provide this program to special students who have disabilities. The court ruling held that students who have severe disabilities are entitled the right of Extended School Year (ESY). Determination of this would be the by the use specific data, which will be part of individual program in education. The impact of this ruling is that children with disabilities up to now receive education in a long duration over the year than the other children especially in the sc hools of special education for students with disabilities.In another case presented in 1988, Honig vs. Doe, two students with diagnosed behavior disorders where each of them suspended because of acting out. The parents were of the view that, both these students were being punished because of their disability. The court held that students who have handicaps should not be expelled out of school due to handicap related behaviors. The impact of this ruling is that in the process of punishing a student with disabilities, one should think on what type of punishment he should give. This has prompted teachers to devise proper means and ways of punishing these students in schools.The fourth case to discuss here was presented on 1989, Daniel R.R vs. The state education board. Parents wanted Daniel to be put in main stream school program even though he was disruptive and yelling in the class. The court held that schools can have use of inquiry of two parts so that they can determine extend to which a child needed to be mainstreamed or to determine that regular classroom had a learning room environment. The impact of this ruling is that a child who is disruptive can not be placed in one classroom with the other children since he can make the classroom not to have a good learning environment, which will affect the learning of the other children. This is what is put in practice even today and that is why there are special schools for students with such disabilities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Organizational Performance Management Essay
Healthcare organizations have differences and similarities across the board. Some healthcare institutions are faith based and will not allow for some procedures. Others provide small procedures and vaccinations. Some healthcare facilities are for profit and others are non-profit. While other health care providers only take certain types of insurances, either government funded or privately funded insurances. The Mayo Clinic is large not for profit operating healthcare provider and healthcare research entity. They provide a vast array of services in the United States from diabetes to cancer treatment and research. The Mayo Clinic has a worldwide reputation and standard that continues to receive accolade and awards. The Mayo clinic has received the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval. This award is given to organizations that demonstrate the highest dedication to improving and providing patients with best quality of care. The Mayo Clinic takes pride in being able to provide the highest level of care and to also maintain it. The Mayo Clinic has established a department to manage any infraction that may hinder its goal of achieving this standard it has set forth (Mayo Clinic For Patients, 2013). The Mayo clinic has to maintain a standard that is consistent with the reputation that they have established for themselves through risk and quality management. The Mayo Clinic has a compliance and integrity program established to reinforce safety. This program is put into place to monitor the overall business practices and to ensure they are being conducted with integrity. The program puts all policies and procedures under one chain of command so that they can be monitored and used as a means of communication for employees. The compliance office oversees the directing and receiving of reports, questions, and concerns about the care provided. The Compliance Office works with all department heads and stakeholders to ensure regulations and requirements are met (Integrity and Compliance Program, 2011). They also establish furthering education so that employees are up to date on current rules and regulations. The compliance office is open to receive any and all violations reports. The violations are investigated thoroughly. This program ensures that the company is able to provide statements in relation to its business practices, current and forthcoming law changes, and to protect itself and staff from any civil or legal issues. The integrity and compliance program applies to all individuals who work in any capacity at the mayo clinic from main stakeholder to students and volunteers. Workers are expected to report any violations that are suspected or otherwise known (Integrity and Compliance Program, 2011). The compliance program offers an open door policy and protects its employees from retaliation. The purpose for this office is to identify violations that are against company policy and the company and its employees to be civilly liable, and criminally liable. Each Mayo facility has a compliance officer on staff to ensure its compliance an d integrity program is being fulfilled. Compliance officers are responsible for investigating suspected violations. Each employee is required to take a compliance-training course to ensure that they know what is expected of them when they witness, suspect, or commit a violation. The compliance program further educates new employees on the standard in which Mayo conducts business. The current state of providing healthcare is ever changing and the Mayo Clinic has to stay one step ahead and ensure that their employees are properly educated in all aspects of healthcare laws (Integrity and Compliance Program, 2011). Abrazo recognized as 2011 as Best in Arizona by U.S. News and World Report, One of the Best in Phoenix, ranked #12 for the Arrowhead Hospital are a few of its great recognition as an great health care organization. The Joint Commission name Maryvale Hospital for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care as â€Å"top Performer†. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association awarded The Sliver Plus Achievement Award for 2012 and 2011 to Phoenix Baptist Hospital and the Arizona Quality Alliance awarded Arrowhead Hospital in 2012 for Excellence. Abrazo Health Hospital has done and continues to contribute the best qua lity care in the valley for its community. Maintaining a fact sheet that include Medical Group, Health Institute, School-Based Health Centers, an Emergency Center in North Peoria, and providing health plans for those who need help in these areas. Abrazo has also contributed to many charitable organizations in the Valley. Like the American Heart Association, Susan G. Komen, YMCA, Leadership Council, and many high schools. They continue to provide information to the community and continue huge amount of support to the American Heart Association, Community Education and Outreach, Fire Service Leadership Conference, Keogh Foundation, School-Based Health Centers, Susan G. Komen, Race for Cure, The Legacy Backpack Buddies, and the Valley of the Sun United Way. Abrazo Health is part of the Nashville-based Vanguard Health System who embraces non-profit health care systems and serves as a bridge for these non-profit organizations to connect, serve as a business partner to for-profit corporation. The Vanguard Health System and Abrazo Health continue to provide top quality care in affiliation with board certified physicians, nursing professionals and well-trained staff, all who were recognized by national organization that share the same values in patient care. Showing Distinguished Awards from American Heart Association, Arizona Quality Alliance, The Joint commission, and named â€Å"Best in Phoenix†by U.S. New and World Report, Abrazo leads in the healthcare industry with a fantastic reputation. Another organization’s risk and quality management that finds themselves in a unique situation between providing the best resources possible to the community and regulation is the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center. The Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center, also known as SARRC, is a non-profit, community-based organization that conducts research and distributes information, as well as supports individuals with autism and their families. In 2009, SARRC conducted 250 training and orientations, as well as offered information and services to students and staff in 90 Arizona schools. All of the services they offer are of highest quality and evidence based (â€Å"Sarrc†, n.d.). Autism touches on a broad spectrum of conditions and behaviors. In order to provide support for this spectrum, SARRC performs and receives research from many doctors as well as developmental psychologists. Performance is monitored by how the varying levels of success the therapies have on developmental delays such as feeding, speech, and social skills. Autism touches on a broad spectrum of conditions and behaviors. In order to provide support for this spectrum, SARRC performs and receives research from many doctor s as well as developmental psychologists. Performance ismonitored by how the varying levels of success those therapies have on developmental delays such as feeding, speech, and social skills. For SARRC, the main regulatory body that effects accreditation on research and treatment is the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners. By following the guidelines set by the Arizona Board of Psychologist examiners, SARRC will be in compliance and be able to perform at expectations above the high standards set by the board. They also have to make sure that they are following regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some of these regulations include the use of electronic records, protection of human subjects, informed consent, and specific safeguards for children. By continuing partnerships with doctors and researchers and following the guidelines set by the regulatory board, SARRC can focus on becoming the center of choice for those seeking assistance Autism spectrum disorders. This will help improve overall organizational performance. The most important part of an organization is to make sure everyone at all levels is working toward a unified goal. Some levels of the organization may have other compartmentalized goals, but overall the message should be clear. Leadership should set the expectations of all incoming employees, but all employees should have a way of giving feedback to leadership on how they feel the organization is progressing to its goal. Staff needs to know that without compliance and accreditation guidelines the organization cannot survive, much less thrive on the assistance it provides to the community. The goal is to have a majority of the staff believe in the direction of the organization and for the organization to listen to its employees. Compliance and regulation set the tone for risk and quality management systems in an organization. Certain aspects may help or hinder performance depending on the particular regulations set by the state. With the guidelines in place, quality management can gauge whether exceeding these standards would help the organization. Besides the level of service provided in quality management, risk management dictate that these actions are responsible from a fiduciary standpoint. Nonprofit organizations aren’t in it to make the big bucks per se, but they still are a business that needs to run and pay employees, facilities, and other services provided. Abrazo Health offers a broad range of medical services, internal medicine, general surgery, cardiology, orthopedics, mother and infant care, diagnostic imaging, and emergency service. Mayo clinic offers cardiology, diabetes, and neurology surgery. SARCC focuses primarily on autism research. Abrazo departments are strictly viewed by the board members to ensure safe and quality care is being provided. Abrazo has over 5,000 employees, 600 volunteers and 2,000 affiliated physicians, and are located all over the Phoenix Valley. The Mayo Clinic is somewhat nationwide with its main facilities in Minnesota, Florida, and Arizona. The Mayo Clinic staffs and employs around 61,000 employees. The mayo clinic also has a research department and an accredited medical school established to train medical professionals and student medical doctors (Mayo Clinic facts – 2012, 2013). Abrazo Health Hospital has five acute who are all accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC) who have accredited hospit al for more than 50 years. Arrowhead Hospital, Maryvale Hospital, Phoenix Baptist Hospital and West Valley Hospital are recognized as a certified Primary Stroke Center and are a part of the Abrazo Health Hospital. All three of these organizations are not for profit. Each facility has its own purpose and mission statement. Not all healthcare facilities are the same as they provide care in their own way established from their own standards and levels of care. Each has a common goal in providing the highest level of care in any treatment they provide. Each has the tough task of always having to update their quality and risk management goals to meet the demands of the public and reimbursement agencies along with maintaining their accreditations. Quality and risk management have to be proactive and stopping incidents before they start. Incidents cost organizations financially and in the long run take away from the level of care that they are trying to provide. References Abrazo Health. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.abrazohealth.com/home.aspx Integrity and Compliance Program. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/mcitems/mc2500-mc2599/mc2570.pdf Mayo Clinic Facts  2012. (2001-2013). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/about/facts.html Mayo Clinic For Patients. (2013). Retrieved from http://health.usnews.com/besthospitals/area/mn/mayo-clinic-661MAYO/for-patients SARRC. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://autismcenter.org/about_sarrc.aspx â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- University of Phoenix Material Organizational Performance Management Table After you have completed your individual research on your chosen type of health care organization, collaborate with your Learning Team to complete this table. Then, refer to this table as you collaborate to write your paper. Include this table as an appendix to your paper. Fill in the necessary information in each cell, but be as succinct as possible. 1. Provide names of or links to specific organizations. Summarize key products or services provided by each type of organization and identify the primary customers they serve. Organization One| Organization Two| Organization Three| MAYO Clinichttp://www.mayoclinic.com/The Mayo Clinic is a non-for-profit worldwide organization that is dedicated to medical care and research. They employee Doctors from all practices and utilize their expertise to work together for the better of the patients. The Mayo Clinic also has school for furthering education for medical professionals. They treat over a million people a year. Their mission is to provide care and let people care for themselves. They provide up to date information and methods for their patients and website | Abrazo HealthCarehttp://www.abrazohealth.com/home.aspx Abrazo Health offers a broad range of medial services, internal medicine, general surgery, cardiology, orthopedics, mother and infant care, diagnostic imaging, and emergency service. Providing new standard care and over 5,000 employees, 600 volunteers and 2,000 affiliated physicians. They are located all over the Phoenix Valley. | Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC)http://autismcenter.org/default.aspxSARRC is a non-profit, community-based organizations that conducts research and distributes information, as well as support for individuals with autism and their families. In 2009, SARRC conducted 250 trainings and presentations, as well as offered information and services to students and staff in 90 Arizona schools. All of the services they offer are of highest-quality and evidence-based. | 2. Outline the overall content of the major regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards that affect each organization. Provide the title, section, parts, or subparts or the numbering system and so on of the specific regulations or accreditation requirements. For example: Use of electronic signatures in electronic medical records is equivalent to handwritten signatures on paper; FDA regulation; Title 21 CFR Part 11, Subpart C,  § 11.200 Electronic Signature: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?cfrpart=11 Organization One| Organization Two| Organization Three| Mayo Clinic and its website are accredited through the Joint Commission. The Joint Commission overseas hospitals that receive Medicaid reimbursements. The Joint Commission has also accredited the Mayo Clinic in its Advanced Stroke Center. Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) has accredited Mayo Clinic for their inpatient rehabilitation programs.CEO Cancer Gold Standard Accreditation.Breast Clinic has received the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a program administered by the American College of Surgeons.-Educational Accreditations Mayo Clinic’s College of Medicine, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) which provides continuing medical education for physicians. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine designates these educational activities for category 1 credits toward the American Medical Association (AMA) Physician’s Recognition Award.College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, has achieved Accreditation with Commendation – which is the highest level of recognition offered by ACCME.| Abrazo Health Hospital and the five acute are all accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC). The Joint Commision have been accredited hospital for more than 50 years. Arrowhead Hospital, Maryvale Hospital, Phoenix Baptist Hospital and West Valley Hospital are recognized as a cerified Pimary Stroke Center and are apart of the Abrazo Health Hospital. Also recognized as 2011 Best in Arizona. U.S. News and World Report, One of the Best in Phoenix, ranked #12- Arrowhead Hospital.TJC top Performer- Marvale Hospital for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care. American Heart Association and American Stroke Association- The Sliver Plus Achievement Award for 2012 and 2011 to Phoenix Baptist Hospita l.Arizona Quality Alliance- Award for Excellence to Arrowhead Hospital in 2012. Abrazo Health Hospital have done and continue to contribute the best quality care in the valley for years. | Use of electronic records and electronic cignatures Title 21 CFR Part 11 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=11 Protection of Human Subjects Title 21 CFR Part 50 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=50 Informed ConsentTitle 21 CFR Part 50.25 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=50.25 Safeguards for ChildrenTitle 21 CFR Part 50.55 http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=50.55 | 3. Highlight the effect of each organization’s regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards on the risk- and quality-management functions and activities. Organization One| Organization Two| Organization Three| Mayo Clinic has a standard of practice, therefore they need the highest of accreditations. They have to maintain their level year round to not only their patients but also their employees. Risk management has to assess any and all possible issues that could cost the company money and loss of productivity due to fines, and employment turn over. Quality management has to ensure that all employees are up to date on education and changes in regulations and procedures. The accreditations aloow the Mayo Clinic to conduct certain researches and also certain procedures such as brain and cardio surgical procedures. Without the accreditation they would not be able to perform said procedure and therefore lose money. | Abrazo Health has 5 acute hospitals in the state of Arizona. Arrowhead, Maryvale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, and in West Phoenix. Each providing a broad range of medial needs and working with the Arizona Heart Hospital and leading a great reputation in the cardiovascular department. Abrazo has been rewards on numerous occasions which has lead the organization to continue to provide great quality care all over the metropolitan area of Phoenix Arizona. Abrazo Health maintain a fact sheet which include Medical Group, Health Instutute, School-Based Health Centers, an Emerg ency Center in North Peoria, and providing health plans. Abrazo has also contributed to many charitable organizations in the Valley. Like the American Heart Association, Susan G. Komwn, YMCA, Leadershio Council, and many high schools., they continue to provide information to the community and continue huge amount of support to the American Heart Assoication, Community Education and Outreach, Fire Service Leadership Conference, Keogh Foundation, School-Based Health Centers, Susan G. Komen, Race for Cure, The Legacy Backpack Buddies, and the Valley of the Sun United Way.| Since SARRC is a non profit research organization located in Arizona, not only do they have to comply with non-profit laws but also the regulation of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners. This board of examiners regulates how employees of SARRC are licensed to perform work with children and the education they need to keep licenses up to date. From a risk standpoint the board ensures that SARRC employees are li censed to give psychological treatment to children and to use safe methods. This also helps SARRC maintain high quality as the research techniques used exceed the Board of examiners qualifications as per SARRC programs (http://autismcenter.org/programs.aspx)| 4. Specify components of performance-management systemsâ€â€policies and procedures, self-audits, benchmarking, complaint management, corrective or preventive action, education and training, communication, and other mechanismsâ€â€to be used by each organization. Organization One| Organization Two| Organization Three| Mayo Clinic has a compliance department and employs compliance officers that ensure policies and procedures are being followed accordingly. Compliance officers investigate all forms of complaints and work with department directors and managers to manage investigations and look for ways to stop these issues before they start. Education is developed through past incident along with present and future policy and law changes.| Abrazo part of the Nashville-based Vanguard Health System who Abrzo providing top quality care in affiliated with board certified physicians, nursing professionals and well-trained staff who have been recognized by national organization who share the same value in patient care. Showing Distinguished Awards from American Heart Association, Arizona Quality Alliance, The Joint commission, and named â€Å"Best in Phoenix†by U.S. New and World Report, Abrzon leads in the healthcare industry with a fantastic reputation. | SARRC research led by Christopher Smith, Ph. D an experimental psychologist, uses collaboration between different methods and scientists to find the possible causes of autism. Since autism is such a broad spectrum and there is no pinpointed contributing factor, most of the research and progress in the field is experimental. Most patients go in with the understanding that Autism may not be something that is curable. Performance is measured by the proven research methods which are demonstrated to work the most effectively for the child which varies per child for the broad spectrum disorder.| 5. Provide links to any relevant sources that will be useful as your Learning Team completes the paper. Organization One| Organization Two| Organization Three| http://www.mayoclinic.org/mcitems/mc2500-mc2599/mc2570.pdfhttp://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/mn/mayo-clinic-661MAYO/for-patientshttp://www.mayoclinic.org/about/facts.html| | |
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